Online 7/12 correction and 7/12 application form pdf

Online 7/12 correction and 7/12 application form pdf

Today we will learn how to apply for online satbara durusti as well as  what is online e-mutation Maharashtra, if you are citizens of Maharashtra then you can apply for mutation of property online through the portal of public data entry. If you have farmer and yours name not appear properly on the 7/12 or one can say land record then you can do online application to do correction on the land record or 7/12. Many farmers didn’t know how to do online application for satbara durusti that’s why they stand in queue in front of tahsil office or Talathi office to do rectification on the land record or 7/12 record but if you have smart phone or laptop then you can  do online application for satbara durusti or , online 7/12 correction. If you want to watch how to do online satbara correction then CLICK HERE

Farmers can download original pdf file for apply old 7/12 or old land record. Just lack of information many farmers don’t know about lot of government schemes hence I have started youtube channel to aware farmers. I am giving all information regarding my youtube channel you can check my youtube channel.

Click on the below link to download original pdf file for apply old 7/12 or old land record

online-satbara-correction-old-satbara.pdf (15918 downloads )

If your some land decrease due to technical error of  mahabhumilekh system then you can do application to tahsil office or talathi office for do correction. If you want to apply for online 7/12 correction then you should be upload old 712 on public data entry website under 7/12 mutation section. You have to do application to the tahsil office to take old land record and have to upload on the /12 mutation section. Many farmers still didn’t know how to get old 7/12 or old land record.

The farmers who want to change their name on 7/12 land record or if they got decrease their land then they can do online application. Just read what is the process for , online 7/12 correction ,

First of all you have to visit

Do complete your registration

Log in with your user ID and Password

Click on 7/12 Mutations

Select Role type (you have to select User is citizens) then click on process.

Fill details (such your village, block and district)

You will see lot of options you have to select proper option here (7/12 correction)

Fill all details as require and do upload old 7/12 land record pdf file ( as well as other pdf file if you have)

The size of pdf file should be 300 KB or less than 300KB, if the size of pdf file maximum as per require then you have to reduce pdf file size for that just click on this link

And that’s it you have done

If you want to get total information regarding online 7/12 correction then just CLICK HERE to watch video guidance.

9 thoughts on “Online 7/12 correction and 7/12 application form pdf

  1. I have purchased a N A Plot. My sale is registered with Index ii Registration.
    How can I get my name on 7/12 Extract of the plot land? What is this process called (Addition of Name or Mutation Entry or something else? ) Do I need to visit Talati Office?

  2. ** वडिलोपार्जित जमीन हि काका(शेती काका करतातं)आणि वडील(मयत) यांच्या नावावर आहे नंतर आम्ही 2भाऊ,आई व बहीण वारस म्हणून सातबाऱ्यावर नोंद केली असून काका खातेफोड (स्वतंत्र सातबाऱ्यासाठी) करायला तयार नाही उपाय सांगावा.
    ** जमीन वाटपाचा दावा जर दाखल केला तर निकाला साठी किती काळ जाऊ शकतो
    ** (वरचे उदाहरण) हस्तलिखित सातबाऱ्यावर महदू दिनकर व [कैलास दिनकर] असे लिहिले आहे,आम्ही वारस नावे लावली आहेत पन डिजिटल सातबाऱ्यावर “व” अक्षर नाही म्हणून आमच नावे सातबाऱ्यावर आहे की नाही काआम्ही फकत वारस अहोत?उपाय सांगावा.

  3. Hello Sir,
    I have a plot which includes the distribution canal and plot area on 7/12 is included with this canal so I want to remove the canal area from my 7/12. So please help me with the procedure for the same.

    1. sir just follow the steps which i have shown in the video nevertheless if you have problem contact with your tahsil office or talathi office.

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