If you want to see gram panchayat fund details or gram panchayat fund check as well as gram panchayat work report then you are at right spot. Just read out this article till the end to know gram panchayat fund report. If there is some work going on under the scheme of mahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act then you can get all the expenditure details of this scheme such mgnregs works details and mgnrega payment details, Here is the complete process of gram panchayat fund check.
Lot of people probably yet don’t know check gram panchayat fund details. Government always has been doing plan to development villages they have been doing village action plan for well growth of rural as well as urban area. If some scheme going to execute then there is some fund require to complete that scheme and at this circumstances government sanction funds to the gram panchayat to complete various scheme such Bharat nirman project, jalswarajya project, national water drinking program, indira awas yojna, pradhanmantri sadak yojna and many more schemes.
If the fund given to the gram panchayat to do work as per estimate but only few people in the village have knowledge of the scheme, many people don’t know about the scheme such as gram panchayat fund report, gram panchayat work report, how to check gram panchayat fund details, where to check gram panchayat fund details and many questions remin unanswered just lack of information
I am going to show you how to check gram panchayat fund details if some scheme have executed in your gram panchayat, I am also showing where to check this details mean wchich gram panchayat website is official to check this details. I have made video on this subject how to check gram panchayat fund details or gram panchayat fund details in detail, I am sure once you watch this video you will love it because I have given all point to point information regarding how to check gram panchayat fund details. Just CLICK HERE to watch my video, you will get quick knowledge for how to gram panchayat fund details.
You can not only see gram panchayat work report but you can also see panchayat samiti work report as well as zilha parishad work report. So guys just WATCH VIDEO to get point to point guidance.
Here are the steps to get gram panchayat work report or gram panchayat fund details.
- Type in the google plan plus
- Click on the link of https://www.planningonline.gov.in/MainPage.jsp
- If https://www.planningonline.gov.in/MainPage.jsp this link not working then you can click on the next link
- Click on Resource Envelope
- Hierarchical view
- Select State then select your District and last select your gram panchayat
- You will see lot of scheme you have to click on the amount under Financial components
- For example you have to click on the option of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme ( MGNREGS )
- Then search official website of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
- If you get right website then click on the option of Panchayat
- Then you will see 3 option gram panchayat, panchayat samiti and zilla panchayat
- Click on the gram panchayat then click on general report
- Slect state where you belong from
- Then fill proper information in the given box such State, Financial Year, District, Block and Panchayat
- And that’s all you will see all expenditure and other details choose proper option or click on the proper links to get details.
So friends this was the process to know Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme details online.